“Your potential is Limitless”

Limitless Homes and Support is a not for profit organisation that is committed to providing support and accommodation to young people aged between 16 and 18. We also offer further semi-independent accommodation until the age of 25 where there is an identified need for young people who are making the transition from dependent to independent living. Limitless Homes and Support work with young people to acquire the skills and mindset they need to live successfully within their own accommodation.

Our Homes

An example of our group living home.

Dispersed Homes & Floating Support

Dispersed properties throughout Rotherham.

What we do

We welcome young people into a family living environment; a warm and caring home -
their home. Each young person has their own bedroom which they are encouraged to
decorate and furnish to their own tastes.

This approach helps young people to stay safe, be healthy and enjoy life whilst under our
supervision. We empower them to realise their ambitions and, most importantly,
prepare them for independence. Our support is provided 24-hours a day, 52 weeks a
year which enables physical, emotional and development needs to be met by our team.


What makes us different

 Limitless offer a comprehensive support package with no hidden charges.

We offer a weekly counselling service facilitated in the home (provision can also be made where counselling is required away from the home environment). We also offer a robust life skills and education package and specialise in supporting young people who may be involved or at risk of becoming involved in offending behaviour.

We are passionate about supporting and educating young people around current issues that may be relevant within their social circles. Limitless Homes and Support specialise in providing education around Child Criminal Exploitation and deliver workshops to the young people where this is required or requested. The workshops are tailored and can be delivered individually or within small groups. 


We explore the signs of:
• Grooming
• Previous case studies
• How to stay safe
• How to report and escalate concerns


This workshop looks at:
• Why young people are targeted to commit criminal activities
• How young people are lured into those criminal activities
• What happens once you are associated with a gang and how you get out of one

This workshop also debugs county lines to find out what it’s really about.

Gang Culture

We look at:
• The different routes into a gang
• What distinguishes gangs
• How young people are affiliated with gangs (tattoos, colours, signs)
• Music and its influences on young people, paying attention to slang words
• Common criminal activities undertaken by gangs and the consequences of being caught and convicted

Facts and Stats around Knife Crime

This workshop concentrates on the statistics behind knife crime and investigates whether the severity of the problem is emphasised in the media. We define what is fact and what is fiction.

Conflict Management

During this workshop, we will look at what conflict is, what causes it and the stages of escalation. We will then discuss techniques of de-escalation which can be used to resolve conflict.

Effects of Knife Crime & Violence

Many people know that knife crime is a growing problem, but this workshop brings the severity into perspective. You will find out about victims and the consequences of knife crime and other offences by hearing from a rehabilitated offender.


This final module focuses on self-confidence and motivation. This workshop is unique to us, and we use it to inspire young people on how to overcome stereotypes to become successful.

How we do it

Limitless Homes and Support offer a different approach when supporting young people in our home. We are set up in a way that represents family living; there are routines, boundaries and rules to follow. The Team are recruited for their ability and skills to be compassionate, supportive, nurturing and firm but fair with young people. We all hold the ethics that we treat young people with the same ethics as we do our own family members; with respect, care and importance.

Mealtimes are typical of those within a family home: breakfast, lunch and tea. We all encourage each other to eat together wherever possible. Social events include everyone and are planned by the young people. Birthdays and religious events are
celebrated and young people are encouraged to socialise with friends and family in the home, where this has been agreed and deemed appropriate by social care.


Education is offered and delivered in a variety of ways to suit the young person’s learning style: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinaesthetic (VARK).

Young People are continually supported to access education with the prospects of going into higher education. Whatever the young person chooses they will get our full support and mentoring within their chosen career. We encourage that the young people in our home work together as one. We promote activities such as the homework hour, where young people can sit down with one another to help understand any work they find difficult.

ASDAN programmes and qualifications are delivered to over 3000 secondary schools, special schools, colleges, alternative education providers and youth organisations across the UK. ASDAN accredited education courses are delivered alongside our bespoke skills for life programme within the home. This allows young people to gain a solid foundation of skills and knowledge for independent living, through real time assessments and activities.

Our package of three ASDAN accreditations include:

  • Living Independently
  • Personal Finance
  • PSHE

There are a wide range of alternative ASDAN courses available including:

  • Construction
  • Sports and Fitness
  • Hair and Beauty
  • Football
  • Computing
  • Animal Care
  • Hospitality
  • Expressive Arts

If young people do not have a GCSE C in English and Maths we will aim to get this grade by supporting the young person to access local education services, usually college. If this presents issues we will work with the young people to gain the ASDAN equivalent in both subjects. All courses exclusive of our package will incur an additional cost.

Our Futures

Limitless Homes and Support aim to offer incentives such as driving lessons, day trips and high street vouchers. We will provide rent in advance or bond deposits to help young people to move into their own accommodation. Small business start-up grants will be given for those who want to start their own business. This will be documented within their support plan and SMART goals will be set to empower the young people to achieve their overall objective.

All Limitless Homes and Support homes are designed to meet the needs of young people, ensuring there is enough space for education and support to be delivered in a confidential way. We provide individually designed support packages in collaboration with the young person, their parents, and the relevant professionals which clearly define how the young person’s physical, social and emotional needs are met whilst evidencing and celebrating the progress they make.


One of the focal points of our support delivery is effective transitions. Where possible, Limitless Homes and Support will support young people to move into home in a welcoming and planned way – including a visit to the home to explore the environment and a chance to meet the team and the other young people who reside in the home.

Transitions ideally consist of the young person staying for a meal which is prepared by the other young people, coupled with an additional visit to the home within a short period of time.

Transitions out of the home, where planned will be co-ordinated by the allocated young person’s key worker and a “hand holding” service is offered to the young person to ensure stability, continuity and reassurance when moving into independent living. Furthermore, Limitless Homes and Support offer young people who have moved on to independence a drop-in service where the team are contactable for extra support to be delivered on a short-term ad hoc basis.

Contact Us

To hear further information about Limitless or if you would Iike to discuss referring a young person to us

Telephone:  0114 2969 119

Email:  referrals@limitlesshomesandsupport.co.uk